Saturday 8 August 2009

All Things Pretty - My story

Well Hello...Here I am finally getting my blog up and running. After making my website and all my items, I thought "why not blog about it". Anyway for people who are new to my beautiful business...Lets start at the very beginning...(It's a very good place to start) hehe....

My story
... so far!! Well unfortunatly the beginning of my story is not so cherpy and happy. However, I believe that in all lifes evil, there are good things to come from it. I have had to have that theory more so than ever these past few month...
I am a 19 year old student, studying Drama at University. On Easter Sunday my family and I sat down to a beautiful Sunday/Easter lunch, my mum,dad,sister,her friend,my boyfriend,auntys,uncles,grandparents, happy as larry. On easter Monday my Dad died suddenly and unexpectadly,he wasn'it ill, we were left with no explination, his life was took from him at just 49. He left behind, me, my mum and my sister, his brother, his sister, and his identical twin. Life will never be the same for us ever again, and each day is a struggle and everything we do seems like a huge mountain to climb. As hard as it is to say and face after the loss of somebody so incredible and so loved, someone who can NEVER be replaced, Life does have to go on, and staying at home moping does not help anybody. This is one of the hardest lessons I have ever had to learn, and a lesson I thought I would not have to face for a long time. Going out in public is hard at a time like this, and everything you do seems so trivial in comparison to your problems. I decided to make use of the days that i could not face going out. Prehaps I can not face seeing people, but i need to get out of bed and make my day productive. I began making my own bracelets. I found it so relaxing and hugely theraputic. I was feeling so happy again, and was loving what I was doing. One thing lead to another, and they were so gorgeous, I began enquiring about selling them. It began with Ebay, then I got accepted to sell my designs on a beautiful Handcrafted website,, and now I have my own site up and running, I sell my products on artfire,and now my blog is taking shape! I have even now began making and selling cards and wall art aswell. I am loving everything about this. It is giving me a well needed focus in the long summer months before University starts again, and it is giving me back the confidence that is lost at a time like this. I have come to the conclusion these past few months, as hard as it is to face...but Shit happens, there is nothing we can do to turn back time, life has its cruel twists and turns, but rather than sit and mope about, lets make one good thing out of a nightmarish situation. That is what I am doing with my new business. My father would not want me to mope about wasting my summer away, he would want me to do something productive. I would never have started All Things pretty up if my father was here today. I would have spent my summer like every other summer, going out with friends, partying,shopping,sunbathing,going on holiday. I would certainly not stay in and make Jewelerry. But life often changes its path and I can only be so thankful and look at one advantage in this whole situation...I have found something I really love doing, and I thank my dad every day for that. I would rather have you back in an instant...but life cannot let that happen, so for now, I am happy doing my Jewellery and crafts. Hope you like it. :-)

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